Zimbabwe’s ambassador to the Democratic Republic of Congo Johannes Tomana who died on August 6 has been conferred a national hero.

The former Attorney General and later Prosecutor General complained about stomach pain after attending a funeral in Honde Valley.

Tomana, a lawyer, was appointed Zimbabwe’s attorney general in 2009. He left the post in 2013 to take up a position as Prosecutor General.

His new appointment was dogged by controversy after he told journalists that 12-year-old children can consent to sex, leading to a public rebuke by then first lady Grace Mugabe.

He was fired in 2017 for misconduct and incompetence after a tribunal set up by former president Robert Mugabe recommended his dismissal.

He was accused of defying court orders, in one of the charges.

He attempted to return to private practice as a lawyer, but his application to the Law Society of Zimbabwe was initially rejected after he failed a β€œfit and proper” person test.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa appointed him ambassador to the DRC in 2020.
