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At least five ZANU PF officials in Mutasa district, Manicaland province, were detained last week for stealing presidential inputs.

Sources in Mutasa yesterday said the ruling party officials, who were later released, were linked to the theft of 27 bags of fertiliser that were meant for distribution under the Presidential farming inputs scheme.

“Some Agritex officials felt being sidelined by the five and let the cat out of the bag by reporting to police the theft of 27 bags of fertiliser,” said the source.

“Other villagers were also not happy with how the presidential inputs were being distributed.”

ZANU PF councillor in the ward Jacob Mazirwe refused to comment on the matter.

Acting Manicaland provincial police spokesperson, Assistant Inspector Wiseman Chinyoka, said he would find out with police in Mutasa district when contacted for comment.

ZANU PF Mutasa District Coordination Committee chairperson, Washington Ziwiwi, denied that party officials stole presidential inputs.

“I want to put it on record straight there was no fertiliser which was stolen by our party members,” he said

“It is the issue of administration that went wrong. The opposition wants to tarnish the image of our party members.

“I was briefed on everything that happened but I do not think our members are on the wrong side of the law.”

The government has been accused of partisan distribution of Presidential input
