Zimbabwe celebrity and hip hop producer Alexandra ‘Xndr’ Mutumha is involved in a nasty breakup with girlfriend Zaleekhah Khan.

happy times..Mutuma, Zaleeka Khan
Khan who was in the habit of showering Mutumba with gifts and cash is now demanding a full refund of all the expenses she incurred during their relationship.
Unconfirmed reports suggest she lost thousands to Xndr.
Zaleekah went public about the nasty breakup by posting explosive conversations between herself and Mutumba.
The messages suggest that unfaithfulness and two timing on the part of Xndr was the reason for the separation.
“I am going to get you, wait and see dog, you can go b***h all you want loser, I hate you, I want my laptop, shades and everything boss,” she wrote.
“In one year all you ever gave me was a bottle of perfume, I left it at 136 mills for your bi****s okay give them.
“Waguta ka mari yangu wakanganwa manje, dzosera all my stuff faster,” she fumed.

Zaleekha Khan