“Where I’m working, I’m a conductor, but I did my A Levels and I also finished college. The only time I worked in an industry, I was a wood cutter, something I didn’t even study for. I’m an engineer but it pains me that I’m now in the kombi industry”.

These are the loosely translated words of a jobless engineer and Citizens Coalition for Change supporter who stole the hearts of the Zimbabwean ‘netizenry’ after images of his customised regalia of the Nelson Chamisa-led opposition party went viral on social media.

Francis, as the trained-engineer-cum-kombi-driver is known, said ‘he could not afford’ the CCC regalia and ended up taking an old golf t-shirt with cut sleeves which he inscribed ‘CCC’ on the back.

Internet using Zimbabweans expressed love and support for the unemployed engineer with some volunteering to provide him with regalia and also lionk him up with opportunities.

When he was interviewed at the recent CCC Star Rally in Mutare, Francis said:

“What we can only say is it’s painful. We now just stare at industries. Our fathers tell us they worked in industries, choosing jobs but now it has gotten bad. Where I’m working, I’m a conductor, but I did my A Levels and I also finished college. The only time I worked in an industry, I was a wood cutter, something I didn’t even study for. I’m an engineer but it pains me that I’m now in the kombi industry but I finished school. I should have been on a better level.”

Francis wishes Chamisa gets into power for educated people like him to be able to get employment.

Watch the video below and hear him speak:
