Former National Patriotic Front spokesperson Jealous Mawarire says the Presidential helicopter crash that took place in Masvingo yesterday, is a sign that the country’s ancestors are not happy with President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa.

Mawarire says President Mnangagwa is trying to grab the ‘Munhumutapa’ chieftainship despite him not being a descendant or the clan.

“PaGreat Zimbabwe “hapamihwe-mihwe” nembavha dzehushe, “unochohwa-chohwa” kunyangwe uri muChopper.

“You don’t usurp a chieftainship ascribed to a particular totemed group kunyangwe uine a battallion of n’angas on your payroll, musadaro vakomana, munoremara!

“My Oldman did that in Feb 2016, hazvina kuzopera mushe munozviziva.”

Exiled disqualified 2023 Presidential candidate savour Kasukuwere says: “Don’t defile Mecca.”

Former foreign affairs minister Walter Mzembi chips in:

“Zvine chirevo, muchikaranga tinoti mheni yakandira mazai …..

“Isu takakurira muMasvingo huye tichinzwisisa zvirevo zvenzvimbo… tirivebwo.

“Gore riya makamboitirwa Gala muGreat Zimbabwe kukakohwewa masaga nemasaga emaCondom nzara yakarova Masvingo mushure macho inotyisa.

“MuGreat Zimbabwe hamusi menhambetambe

“Munoera zvino pwere dzakasiya dzakabata musha dzoshura.”

Renowned Zimbabwean investigative journalist Hopewell chips in saying:

“Some are saying that the ancestors rejected the desecration that occurred at Great Zimbabwe.

“Others believe this is the price you pay for stealing public funds and neglecting military hardware due to corruption.

“Either way, it was a tragedy, and thankfully, none of the helicopter crew was seriously injured!

Stop pretending to be Munhumutapa and instead focus on providing children with medication in hospitals and clean drinking water in homes.

“Ensure employment for the youth, then you can celebrate when the work is done.

“Spirits and the almighty are different from Malaba whom you give instructions to lock up Timba, Sikhala and Ngarivhume.”
