The Joe Biden led American administration has expressed concern over the continued politically motivated violence in Zimbabwe, moreso after elections.

The American government through its Embassy in Harare says every person despite political affiliation, has the right to live freely without intimidation.

“We are concerned by reports of continued politically-motivated violence and intimidation post-election.

“Every person, no matter their political affiliation, has the right to live free of fear and to be treated fairly under the law,” says the Embassy.

The call comes after continued reports of alleged politically motivated violence.

The ruling ZANU PF and state agents have allegedly being fingered in the act of persecution of perceived government critics.

However, ZANU PF secretary for administration Obert Mpofu recently said attacks targeted at Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) supporters in parts of the country were pure acts of criminality which had nothing to do with his party.

The main opposition has been accusing ZANU PF of involvement in acts of retribution against its supporters and polling agents in outlying areas such as Chiredzi and Uzumba Maramba-Pfungwe where homes have been torched.

But Mpofu told journalists after a meeting with Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC) senior officials at the ZANU PF headquarters in Harare that the alleged abuses should be reported to the police instead.

“Some of the issues that they have raised are issues that we have not been favoured with the kind of information.

“But they seem to revolve around criminality.

“If people have been assaulted or have been beaten up, it’s a matter for the police to deal with,” he said.

Apparently, it is alleged that despite the opposition making police reports, the culprit are not being arrested and brought to book.

As if to confirm that notion, former deputy minister of Tourism Barbara Rwodzi allegedly insulted a police officer for arresting a ZANU PF official.
