Apparently unmoved by his suspension this Wednesday afternoon, Zanu PF Deputy Secretary for Youth Affairs, Lewis Matutu has said he will keep on fighting corruption, sensationally declaring that 2020 has marked the beginning of a decade of action by the youths.
Matutu, and youth Political Commissar Godfrey Tsenengamu were both served with 1-year suspensions and ordered to undergo compulsory ideological training for alleged indiscipline. He also defied party leader Emmerson Mnangagwa after he stormed out of the Politburo meeting.
Secretary for Youth Affairs Pupurai Togarepi was also stripped of his position.
But, in the aftermath of his suspension, Matutu has said he would rather ‘die for something than live for nothing’.
“Self-sacrifice is the most honorable and selfless thing you can do in your life. Better to die for something than to live for nothing”, said Matutu in apparent reference to his shock suspension.
The suspended youth League bosses literally threw themselves between the horns of a dillema after they named and shamed three politically-influential personalities who are benefactors of the ruling party in corrupt activities.
