The Parliament of Zimbabwe has been implored to investigate allegations made in the Gold Mafia Documentary, some pressure groups.

The call comes after the Portfolio Committee on Defence & Home Affairs in its report confirmed that there is rampant mineral leakages in Zimbabwe.

Committee findings acknowledgement by most of the stakeholders that interacted with the Committee that there are leakages of minerals, both precious and base minerals, reports OpenParlyZw.

The quantum could not be ascertained but estimates indicate that this runs into millions of American dollars.

OpenParlyZw says leakages were prevalent across all minerals, with the gold sector at the top, because there are many players involved that include artisanal and small-scale miners, millers, gold buyers and large-scale producers.

“At the same time, gold can easily be extracted from the ground using rudimentary methods.

“The Government of Zimbabwe set a target of USD4 billion worth of revenue to be generated by the gold sector by 2023.

“Whilst the country remains focused on achieving its goal, a lot of gold is allegedly being smuggled out of the country due to a number of factors,” adds the pressure group.

Apparently, the Gold Mafia documentary by Al Jazeera exposed rampant gold smuggling by people allegedly connected to President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa.
