As the Zanu PF Kwekwe Central primary elections draw closer, reports reaching Zwnews indicate that a camp loyal to one of the aspiring candidates, Kandros Mugabe has engaged on an overdrive, crookedly tampering with the party’s cell registers in a bid to out-ballot 26-year old aspirant, Energy Dhala Ncube.

According to impeccable Zanu PF sources privy to the goings-on, the Mugabe camp has reportedly scrapped off five cells, consisting of about 250 prospective voters, , from Gutsaruzhinji Branch in Kwekwe Central.

These voters are believed to be aligned to the youthful Dhala.

playing dirty?… Aspiring Zanu PF candidate Kandros Mugabe

On the other hand, the sources say, unsanctioned meetings involving some pro-Mugabe members of the current Zanu PF Kwekwe District Coordinating Committee (DCC) are being held routinely in the Empress area, near Kadoma.

In Kwekwe Central’s Dr Mzee Branch, one cell was reportedly scrapped. Zanu PF has 5 districts and 8 wards in the constituency.
A cell comprises of 50 people.

“They (the Mugabe camp) have actually mobilised about 2000 people in Empress which falls under Mashonaland West Province. Some of the unsanctioned rallies flagrantly disregard the stipulated Covid19 regulations as hordes of villagers are summoned to attend,” the source told our reporter.

“The Mugabe camp has even gone as far as the rural communities of Silobela and Zhombe holding unsanctioned rallies with the intention of bussing those people to Kwekwe Central when primary election dates are announced. These people will be added to Dambudzo district which happens to be in Mugabe’s area,” said the source.

It is further alleged that Mugabe, a miner-cum-cleric, has been using his Zvipo ZveMweya Apostolic Church where he is an Arch-bishop, to skew the electoral field in his favour.

“Each and every time there is an election, he holds a Pungwe at his church and this gives him the chance to bus voters to the constituency. He actually did this during the aborted primary elections last time after he bussed congregants from Hunters and Sherwood. These were the same people who were responsible for the abandonment of the primaries”.

According to the sources, a one Chigariro, who is the Zanu PF acting chairman for Kwekwe Central district, is being used by the allegedly moneyed Mugabe camp to tamper with the cell registers.

But, in an interview with Zwnews yesterday, Mugabe vehemently dismissed the allegations as false and said the cell registers were ‘verifiable’ by those who felt aggrieved by the way the ruling party’s voters’ role was being handled.

“All those are just lies. Nhaiwe shamwari, handiti the cell registers can be verified. They can make verification if they feel that there is something amiss with the handling of those cell registers,” he said.

Mugabe could however not be drawn into commenting about the alleged involvement of his apostolic sect in the political affairs of Kwekwe Central Constituency.

The road leading to the Zanu PF primaries which seek to come up with the sole candidate to represent the party in the forthcoming by-elections has been drama-filled after Youth League boss, Tendai Chirau openly declared his support for Dhala (pictured below) during his visit to Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s hometown of Kwekwe.

“Chirau’s sidedness also unsettled the Mugabe camp. At one time, there were leaked conversations between (provincial chairperson Engineer Daniel) McKenzie Ncube and Mugabe about that issue which went viral on social media,” added our source.

While dismissing the allegedly leaked end-to-end conversations as ‘a creation’ of pro-Dhala loyalists, Eng Ncube could not shed more light on the Chirau issue, saying:

“We solved that one”.

Kwekwe Central Constituency fell vacant following the passing on of National Patriotic Front (NPF) legislator Masango ‘Blackman’ Matambanadzo in July last year.
