Renowned Zimbabwean investigative journalist Hopewell Chin’ono says if the book by former Central Intelligence Organization (CIO) Director General Happyton Bonyongwe don’t address the issue of Itai Dzamara’s disappearance and CIO’s role in abductions, then the book is useless.

Chin’ono says if one is a former Chief of the CIO, they either keep quiet, or, if they choose to write, they should reveal real secrets, not pub gossip, half-truths, and dishonest accounts.

He writes:

“What I learned from this tweet is that ZANUPF knows they committed human rights atrocities, the CIO manufactures false reports if they want to, and the ZANUPF elites don’t repay loans if they can get away with it.

“The rest is ZANUPF factional stuff, which has nothing to do with me because I am not a ZANUPF member.

“I haven’t read the book yet, but I hope it addresses what actually happened to Itai Dzamara, what occurred during the 2008 elections, and the role of the CIO in abductions.

“If it doesn’t, then it is a useless book, merely a political project.

“If you are a former Chief of the CIO, you either keep quiet, or, if you choose to write, you reveal real secrets, not pub gossip, half-truths, and dishonest accounts,” he says.

Chin’ono says people should read former Rhodesian CIO Director General Ken Flower’s Serving Secretly to understand what a book by a secret agent should read like.

Apparently, some analysts say the book should be read with a pinch of salt, because the writer signed Oath of Secrecy and will not reveal the truth.

ZANU PF foot-soldier Rutendo Matinyarare says Bonyongwe is bound to secrecy and if he reveals secrets he can be jailed.
