City of Bulawayo mayor David Coltart says given the fact that Bulawayo desperately needs some US$ 14 million to ensure its citizens don’t run out of water this year, he is disgusted by this extravagant display.

He was commenting on a sour grapes story about scandal-ridden tycoon Wicknell Chivhayo and his estranged business partners, who say their colleague went “crazy” from last year when he started receiving money from the corrupt US$40 million Zimbabwe Electoral Commission elections tender, going on a car-buying spree and donations never seen before in Zimbabwe.

Coltart said purchasing of such luxury vehicles using precious foreign exchange which the country needs for the purchase of pumps and pipelines is appalling.

“If this money has come from corrupt sources that just makes this saga even more terrible.

“We need to have some serious introspection as a Nation. How can this be allowed? Is @ZACConline and @PoliceZimbabwe going to investigate these allegations?

“Is @Zimra_11 going to audit the source of money? Have the necessary tax returns been submitted? Has duty been paid in full on these vehicles?

“There are so many unanswered questions. This reflects exceptionally badly on Government, to put it mildly, particularly in a year when an appeal has been put out to the international community for some US$ 3 billion for drought relief.

“There must be some patriots in Zanu PF who are equally concerned. If they stay silent then the vast majority of Zimbabweans will be left to assume that they support this unbridled greed,” he said.
