Renowned investigative journalist Hopewell Chin’ono who recently won the African Journalist Award for exposing corruption involving covid-19 procurement and donations in Zimbabwe, has pledged to help Murewa Hospital from the prize money.

Chin’ono won the Gatefield People Journalism Prize for Africa (PJPA), which is being backed with $3000 in cash and $15000 worth of strategic support.

Meanwhile, announcing his pledge, Chin’ono, wrote on his Twitter handle:

“I commit ALL the prize money from this important award to helping buy basic PPE for Murewa Hospital!

‘I would like to thank all the sources, journalists & citizens who helped me put together the exposures.”

He also thanked the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights for standing with him during his arrests.

The PJPA is a public service journalism award that recognizes outstanding journalists in Africa, whose work have resulted in positive change, and impact in society.

In its citation of why Chin’ono won, Gatefield wrote.

“We selected Hopewell for his investigative reporting on the COVID-19 procurement corruption in Zimbabwe.

“This report stopped this corrupt activity and forced the sack of the country’s health minister.”

Gatefield also announced the prize money:

“We are excited to announce @daddyhope, @DavidHundeyin, and @feminist co as winners of the People Journalism Prize for Africa 2020.

“We are backing this award with $3000 in cash & $15000 worth of strategic support.”
