The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)’s hair-raising thri-part investigative documentary titled “Disciples: The Cult of TB Joshua” which uncovers the alleged atrocities perpetrated by the late Prophet TB Joshua of The Synagogue Church of All Nations (Scoan) has opened a Pandora’s Box.

According to the Newshawks, controversial churches, especially gospelpreneur-driven religious assemblies, including in Zimbabwe, have now become crime scenes where people are brazenly extorted for cash, robbed of their hard-earned precious possessions and women are abused with reckless abandon in the name of prophesies, among other criminal activities.

According to investigations by BBCAfricaEye, the famous Nigerian Televangelist engaged in a range of sexual offences, including serial rape, sexual exploitation, and other forms of abuse like forced abortions.

Other allegations include faking miracles, covering up the real story of the tragic building collapse, among others.

Extensive interviews with survivors of TB Joshua’s alleged sexual abuse unveiled shocking details of their experiences during their period of active service in the church as members of his discipleship.

The documentary, released yestarday, comes over two years after the Scoan founder’s death.

Temitope Balogun Joshua, widely known as TB Joshua died on 5 June 2021 shortly after a church service, just one week to his 58th birthday.

Apparently, in Zimbabwe some church leaders have been described accused of being mere motivational speakers.

Such type of leaders are said to have mastered the art of motivational speaking which they package as prophecies.

They have been accused of preaching about world treasures and prosperity contrary to the Bible teaching.

One such controversial leader is United Family International Church leader Emmanuel Makandiwa who defends prosperity gospel.

Addressing thousands of congregants who braved the cold weather to attend Judgment Day 4 sermon held at UFIC church’s headquarters site in Mt Hampden, Makandiwa said his mission was to eradicate poverty in Africa.

“The Lord gave me the power to break poverty. Do not tell me to preach something else, which, is not prosperity. My mission is to take people from one place to another. My mission is clear, to deal with poverty.

“I will not change my gospel message. I said industry will reopen and it shall reopen.

“Poverty is a demon. We should not entertain poverty. Even the devil knows that the more one is blessed, the more he becomes close to God. If a person is broke, there are more chances of backsliding.

“When the Lord visited me, he told me about my mission. I am aware of my mission.

“God openly told me that as long as I live, no man will stand in my way.

“My ministry is characterised by money. Life has to be sweet,” he said.

Zwnews/ Newshawks