Exiled former cabinet minister and Generation 40 member Walter Mzembi says the ZANU PF system is structured around a hybrid of Chinese and Russian Communist Party systems whose change of guard is never achieved by elections.

He says under such systems, change is not delivered through ballot systems but rather through hierarchical party coups and power kept by the grabber using force, adding that this model has since been nationalised .

“The Zanu PF system is designed around a hybrid of Chinese and Russian Communist Party systems where Change is not delivered through ballot systems but rather through hierarchical Party coups and power kept by force.

“This model has been nationalised,” says Mzembi.

Meanwhile, speaking of President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s vote NO at the United Nations Plenary session, Mzembi says:

“Mugabe, Stalin, Mao, Chavez, Castro, Sung, etc for all the listed NOs would have objected even today.

“They rule from their graves. An opportunity for Zimbabwe to Rebrand itself and affirm its ” New Dispensation ” tag has been missed, Nothing New!”
