“In as much as the beneficiaries’ selection is led by the community, sometimes traditional leaders convene pre-food distribution meetings where ZANU PF officials address, beneficiaries and exclude perceived opposition supporters during registration,” says the Forum.

The Zimbabwe Human Rights Forum (ZimHRNGOForum) which is a coalition of 20 human rights NGOs in the country is launching a report dubbed ‘The Politics of Food: A contextual Analysis of the Distribution of Food Aid in Zimbabwe.’

Meanwhile, the Forum has expressed concern over the politicising of food aid by ZANU PF, saying food aid from government is more vulnerable to partisan politics compared to aid provided by NGOs.

The Forum adds that it is very sad that the way people vote can determine their access to food aid, with the ruling party determining who gets aid or not.

“In as much as the beneficiary’s selection is led by the community sometimes traditional leaders convene pre-food distribution meetings where ZANU PF officials address, beneficiaries and exclude perceived opposition supporters during registration,” says the Forum.

There are high levels of poverty and food insecurity in the country, although statistics may change due to improved rains this season. At least 2.2 million people in urban areas are food insecure, 6 million people in Zimbabwe are in a state of poverty.
