South African opposition party leader Mmusi Maimane blasted President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa saying he knows nothing about winning apart from rigging.

This was after the Springboks’ SA rugby team win the Rugby World Cup to which Mnangagwa sent a public message congratulating South African President Cyril Ramaphosa and fellow South Africans for the win.

After the Springboks’ 12-11 hard-fought win over a marauding New Zealand’s All Blacks, Mnangagwa sent a message saying:

“Congratulations to President @CyrilRamaphosa and all South Africans for winning the Rugby World Cup.

“The @Springboks put on a magnificent display of determination and strength to win tonight. Zimbabwe celebrates with you. #RugbyWorldCup.”

But, as noted by The Newshawks, Maimane had no kind words and he replied to Mnangagwa:

“You know nothing about winning without rigging. Learn from the Springboks.”

Mnangagwa controversially won the recently held election amid accusations of fraud and vote rigging.

The issue which is set to be deliberated on at an emergency Southern African Development Community meeting tomorrow.

The observer missions that monitored the country’s just ended disputed elections condemned the manner in which the polls were conducted.

The Southern African Development Community SADC Electoral Observer Mission led by former Zambian vice president Nevers Mumba condemned the polls as not having been free and fair.

The other observer missions including the African Union and the European Union also shared the same observations.

The country’s main opposition party Citizens Coalition for Change led by Nelson Chamisa is calling for fresh elections but Mnangagwa is not interested saying elections are a done deal and he has won.

Mnangagwa is on record calling on Zimbabweans to put election mood behind and concentrate on building the nation.
