Speaking ahead of this year’s Men’s end of year Conference, set for Harare Showgrounds this Saturday, Zimbabwean social commentator and influencer Shadaya Knight said women have weaponised sex so men should be very careful when dealing with them.

The social media influencer who is not new to controversy, said:

“Women have weaponized sex, meaning anytime you engage in sex you’re one wrong move from upsetting her for it to be rape. And you need to be prepared to counter her accusations.

  • ask any woman you want to have sex with to show you her ID card.

  • if you’re a rich man, before you engage in any sexual act with a woman get her to sign a consent form and NDA.

  • keep chats and record calls leading up to the sexual encounter.

  • make sure you’re having sex with a sober woman, because she’ll wake up accusing you of spiking her drinks,” he said.

He added that if one can secretly record audio or even videos of the whole sexual encounter they should do so and warned that one should not ghost her immediately even if she was a one night stand, but instead keep chatting with her for a couple of days so she doesn’t feel like slut.

He further warns that men should pay up or deliver whatever they promised, since such women view their privates as sources of income.

“Every man should be scared at the thought of living in a society where a woman can just wake up and accuse you of rape, with no evidence whatsoever and she is believed.

“A woman just has to accuse you at face value and she is believed. We are in the BELIEVE WOMEN ERA.

“Women have weaponized sex, meaning any sexual encounter she had if it didn’t achieve the intended results or she simply regrets it, she can claim it to be rape.

“And it is far worse if the sexual encounter(s) was with a rich man, she automatically feels entitled to his money, that if he’s to ever cut her off, she’s going to pin rape on him.

“Sex you regret isn’t rape.

“Sex you didn’t get money or whatever was promised isn’t rape.

“Terrible sex isn’t rape

“A man having sex with you and ghosting you isn’t rape.

“Rape isn’t a feeling, one doesn’t feel like they were raped

“Fake rape allegations must be criminalized!!!!

“Learn OR perish!!!”
