Renowned musician Selmor Mtukudzi has thanked President Emmerson Mnangagwa for heeding her call and giving green light for musical shows to resume.

This came after she had complained to President Mnangagwa saying artists were struggling to make ends meet with live shows banned.

Mnangagwa gave the green light for resumption of live shows on condition that attendance is limited to 50 people only with preventive measures being adhered to.

Selmor appreciated the President’s move, and thanked him for listening to her plea.

“Mwana asingacheme anofira mumbereko shuwa. It gives me great pleasure and honor to note that our pleas were given an ear.

Thank you so much Mr President @edmnangagwa sir,” said Selmor.

In response to the announcement of live shows resumption, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information, Nick Mangwana said:

“This is great news to our musicians. Mandlovu Selmar Mtukudzi anga achemachema anga achemachema veduwe.

“President @edmnangagwa is a listening President.”

However, Mnangagwa’s order for resumption of live shows seems to be short-lived, as Vice President Constantino Chiwenga has just banned gatherings, including the shows.

Announcing measures to curd the spread of Covid 19, yesterday Chiwenga who is also Minister of Health banned musical shows.
