Prison authorities at Chikurubi Maximum Prison have reportedly banned the delivery of prominent Zimbabwean opposition activist Job Sikhala’s birthday cake calling it a national security threat.

Jailed Sikhala is celebrating his 51st birthday today at maximum security prison for protesting the brutal murder of his colleague Moreblesssing Ali.

It is his second birthday in prison, however the authorities have banned the delivery of a cake to him, saying it’s a “national security threat”.

Sikhala was accused of inciting public violence after clashes between Zanu PF and main opposition CCC supporters.

In an open to the public from prison, Sikhala says:

“Today, dear friends, I am celebrating my 51st birthday. This marks my second birthday anniversary under incarceration by the regime in Zimbabwe in Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison.

“I think you all heard that I was not feeling well.

For seven (7) consecutive days, I was passing blood. In the process I have lost 3kgs, but I am recuperating well.

My doctors are doing a good job. Second year running, celebrating a birthday in prison under political persecution should remind all of you about our forebearers, Joshua Nkomo, Robert Mugabe, Nelson
Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Patrice Lumumba, Sydney Malunga and many others, who celebrated theirs in similar fashion, equally, as victims of political repressions.

“This year, I have advised my family not to attempt to bring a birthday cake present, as an attempt to do so last year, created astonishing accusations that the cake was a threat to national

“A note was written to me that, the cake was not allowed as it was a national security threat. I was not surprised because such paranoia is inherent in systems built in fear of the unknown, voodooism and witchcraft.

“When you see your persecutors getting frightened by a mere birthday cake and growing goose pimples of hate over a birthday cake, you must be consciously informed that you have passed the threshold of rightness with distinctions. So dear friends, I am celebrating in memory of all of you. I might be in prison, but you might be free but in a prison of your own.

“Our suffering is the same. Malcom X informs us that, ‘it is only after extreme grief that the greatest joy can come’.

“In the scheme of my enemies as recently confirmed by their own unstable fortune seeker Eddie Cross, there is no any other way, I must hang. I must be flashed out and destroyed.

I am the spoiler of their comfort.

“An irritant causing people sleepless nights, disturbing the comfort of their power. Zimbabweans and the world at large have seen for what it is.

“Persecution by prosecution, a tired old strategy by unpopular tyrannies.

“I have to be stopped damn the consequences. My mouth had become dangerous, more than a loaded gun, they say it is vicious and dangerous, it spits venom and causes havoc – I had to be silenced even if it means assassinating me.

“My name became an agenda item
number one in the boardrooms of all agencies of the state. In the security sector, in the judiciary, in their politburo, it’s Job Sikhala everywhere.”
