By Temba Mliswa:
I received the following disturbing report. Investigation is needed…. “Could u(ZRP) pliz investigate these allegations i have just heard in Norton’s Katanga surburb. An alleged HIV positive police Officer by the name Tinashe Chi***** who apparently works somewhere in Hre and resides at 881 Katanga in Norton is alleged to have raped his 15yr old maid by the name *** whilst his wife was away in RSA.
On return it is alleged they are sweeping the matter under the carpet threatening the maid It is said they are planning to send back the girl kumusha to kill the story. Thus yo investigations into the matter is highly appreciated. Pliz note mwana uyu ndewe kumusha zvekuti kana kuMbare chaiko haakuzive and haana anomumurira.” Concerned Citizen
ZRP responded:
We acknowledge the report by Hon Mliswa. Please be advised the Officer Commanding Police, Mashonaland West Province has already constituted a team to go on the ground and investigate the allegations. An update through the appropriate channels will thus be provided soon.