Musician Clive Malunga`s state of art Jenaguru Arts Centre was recently demolished by the City of Harare, as part of the ongoing demolitions of housing structures.

This came after Malunga was accused of extending his centre into someone’s property.

An employee who spoke to the national broadcaster, said the Nesango singer has been greatly disturbed by the demolition.

The Center houses one of the best and state of the art music and recording equipment.

Meanwhile, Harare Mayor Jacob Mafume distanced his council from the act.

“I have come from jail into a storm. I have asked the officials to compile the court orders that are there advertise them on all platforms.

“Those with a legal basis be allowed to prove. Need to be humane always in Covid 19 times.

“In the meantime we hold in abeyance all processes,” he said.

Apparently, the Harare City Council is said to have had been granted a court order to effect demolitions of illegal structures, but it seems the central government is on the forefront in the act.

Both parties are accusing each other, with no one accepting responsibility.

When MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa and Jacob Mafume visited the demolitions victims in Budiriro, the government sent the police to the area and journalists had their equipment taken away by the police.

This was meant to prevent them from covering the event, however, the equipment were later returned.
