Exiled former cabinet minister Jonathan Moyo has blasted Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) president Nelson Chamisa for blocking him on Twitter.

Moyo says Chamisa’s move to block him shows political immaturity, as leaders should develop thick skin for criticism.

He praised Movement for Democratic Change-Tsvangirai president Douglas Mwonzora for not blocking him despite criticism.

Moyo writes:

After suggesting to Advocate Nelson Chamisa that, instead of randomly downloading five-tier interchanges from the US and using them as his election campaign memes, it would be prudent and better for him to propose actual and budgeted designs of appropriate multi-tier interchanges as engineering solutions to challenges being experienced in Zimbabwe; he responded by blocking me.

That’s unfortunate.

As a leader of a party that styles itself as “the main opposition and the-govenment-in-waiting,” he blocks people who say what he does not want to hear; what would he do should he come to power?

Well, it’s his right and his choice, but real and mature politicians have thick skins and they are more tolerant!

For a comparative perspective, to Hon Senator
, I acknowledge that our political differences are common cause as are our robust and fierce political fights in these streets.

And because you are a consummate politician and are familiar with the terrain and its trenches, you understand only too well that politics is not a Sunday morning bible nursery school, you did not block me during those heated moments of political disagreements after you recalled MDC-A MPs and councillors aligned to Advocate NelsonChamisa, you remained then as you are now, an indefatigable interlocutor and worthy political opponent.
