Is she SB Moyo’s Small House? President Mnangagwa’s office has been rattled by allegations raised by exiled former Zimbabwe Minister Prof Jonathan Moyo that the Foreign Affairs Minister SB Moyo has appointed a girlfriend for the Zim-South Africa Consul. Moyo also said “SB used to travel the world with his PA until his household stopped him dead in his tracks.

Controversially, Lynette and their newly born baby are staying gratis at the Ministry’s Mt Pleasant Guest House!, alleges Prof Moyo.

Statements below were posted by Moyo:

ELSEWHERE, @MinisterSBMoyo  is struggling to transfer his choice, Lynette Mahlaba, a junior Ministry staffer to replace an incumbent as Zim’s Consul in Cape Town, SA. Controversially, Lynette and their newly born baby are staying gratis at the Ministry’s Mt Pleasant Guest House!

To claim Lynnette Mahlaba is a fine diplomat is hogwash. She is @MinisterSBMoyo‘s PA. Now he wants her to be a diplomat in Cape Town, as Consul General to the dismay of career diplomats. #SB used to travel the world with his PA until his household stopped him dead in his tracks!

I asserted the main issue & gave the benefit of doubt to @VascoDaGappah@nickmangwana,@iMisred & others who said Lynette Mahlaba, @MinisterSBMoyo‘s PA, has no child & has not stayed at the Foreign Affairs Guest House in Mt Pleasant, etc. After doublechecking I confirm the same!



Ndabaningi Mnangagwa

Ummmm apa manyepegwa Prof. Lynnette is a good friend and she doesn’t have a baby and does not live where you have been directed. So if you have been lied to on this, maybe you have been misinformed on the rest of the tweet.

sb moyo

SB Moyo