Self-exiled former Manicaland Minister of State for Provincial Affairs Mandiitawepi Chimene says she is ready to come back home, reports The Herald.

In a video, Chimene says President Mnangagwa is a father figure to her, and she is not afraid to come to him.

Chimene is holed in Mozambique and reportedly vowed not to come back as long as President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa is in power.

Chimene a strong critic of President Mnangagwa fled Zimbabwe in 2017, following a coup that toppled late former President Robert Mugabe.

In 2021 a ‘bogus’ account claimed that Chimene, a former top ZANU PF leader who ran away from the country after the military coup in November 2017 was pleading with her old enemy, President Mnangagwa to allow her to come back home and “rest.”

But another exiled former cabinet minister Jonathan Moyo took to Twitter to say that the account was fake and being used by the “Twitterbots”, a CIO operation that he claims is in charge of using social media platforms to mislead people and push the ZANU PF agenda.

“This is not a Mandi Chimene account but a #CIO account for its new #Twitterbots operation meant to generate false & misleading information.

“The #CIO managers of the operation are breathtakingly stupid: look at the people that Mandi is supposed to be following, it’s a big circus!” Moyo said while he highlighted the account named “@ChimeneMandi”.
