An online Investigative publication, Newshawks has blasted President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Spokesperson George Charamba for threatening the publication after reporting that Mnangagwa is involved in the Robert Mugabe exhumation saga.

The Newshawks says it is disheartening that when Charamba loses the plot, he resorts to threats, mirroring the regime’s mindset.

“Whenever President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s spokesman George Charamba loses the news plot, debate or the narrative on issues, as he mostly does, he quickly defaults to the regime’s authoritarian mindset – threats.

“Here he was threatening The NewsHawks over the Mugabe reburial saga,” says the publication.

Charamba recently threatened Newshawks saying it had provoked them enough and now need a heavy state response.

“You guys now deserve a strong reaction from Government. Manyanya!!!!

“Is the President cited in the court application???? Why do you drag in the President in your foolish narrative.

“You stop it or you hear from us. You have goaded us enough!!!” Wrote Charamba.
