Prominent political analyst Maximilian Lion has taken a swipe at leaders whose countries are so rich in terms of minerals but failing to leverage on friendship with technologically advanced nations due to primitive leadership.

He writes: I would have thought that if a failed country with all the minerals on earth, were to be friends with an advanced country, it would leverage its friendship and resources to improve the lives of its people.

I don’t understand how some of the wealthiest countries in terms of resources are dysfunctional even when they are friends with the most efficient countries in the world.

What do you talk about in meetings and conferences? We see pictures of deals being signed but we don’t see the effects of those deals or signs of progress.

There are no excuses if you really think about it. Leaders of some failed countries have everything they need to transform their countries but they don’t think or govern in the interest of their people.

When they attend meetings on the global stage, they are not really there on behalf of their countries. They are there for themselves.

Everything done in the name of the country is essentially theirs. That is why there is no realistic prospect of change in most failed countries.

Unless there are reforms based on governance, there is no hope of redemption for most failed countries.

New mindsets are needed to introduce a professional and accountable way of government.

Countries are built on ideas not on ignorance and criminality. There must be a fight against primitive leadership.

There must be a fight against leaders who have a propensity to plunder their countries with no shame whatsoever.

People have to acknowledge that there is a problem because you cannot address a problem that you do not acknowledge.