In the reminiscent tone of late former Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, ‘Blair keep your England and let me keep my Zimbabwe, ex minister Jonathan Moyo has lambasted and reminded South African opposition activist, Mmusi Maimane to mind his own business.

Moyo says Maimane, the former Democratic Alliance leader’s spirited support for the shutting down of Zimbabwe should not be left unchallenged.

He questions what Shut Down Zimbabwe mean and how come this hashtag has been trending more in South Africa than anywhere else?

Moyo further questions:

“Of concern about the latest ShutDownZimbabwe is the Mmusi Maimane factor. Is he Zimbabwean? Have Zimbabwean political leaders or parties delegated the Shut Down Zimbabwe campaign to Mmusi? When such things happen, a rethink of the campaign is in order!”

He asks who will suffer and who will benefit, if Zimbabwe is shutdown as being plotted?

“Maimane is a South African politician and an @NDI puppet; he is not a Zimbabwean, to justify his leading role in a ShutDownZimbabwe campaign.

“Compatriots who want to be led by or to associate with Mmusi Maimane’s ShutDownZimbabwe plot should not expect everyone to join them!,” Says Moyo.
