There is an old adage which says, “ The most dangerous enemy is not the one who lingers behind you in the shadows, but the one who walks beside you as a friend.”

The Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe, ARTUZ applauds all fake revolutionaries who pretended to be allies but have now openly joined hands with government ahead of schools opening.

The battle lines are no longer blurred, we can now clearly see all the enemy forces on one side as we build workers’ power in this protracted struggle for Teacher dignity.

The reactionary elements who postured as revolutionaries have since removed the borrowed robes and now stand next to their puppeteer getting instructions on how to destroy the Workers’ movement.

The current government is religious to the golden rule that everyone has a price. Our former Cdes have betrayed the struggle for a few pieces of Silver.

ARTUZ leaders who have refused to accept bribes have suffered reprisals including torture ,arrests and expulsions from service among other forms of persecution.

Regardless of the persecution the Union remains United and resolute to lead the teachers of Zimbabwe to their emancipation.

10 September 2024 is a defining moment for the Trs of Zimbabwe. ARTUZ has called on teachers to defy schools opening by going for sick leave on opening day, government and the brigade of sellout Unions are encouraging all teachers to sheepishly go back to work, just like sheep going to slaughter.

The employer is now very arrogant having enlisted the services of Unions once viewed as progressive. The plan is to get each sellout Union to drag its membership back to work.

The ARTUZ calls on teachers to shame the gvt and the sellout Unions by going on sick leave on 10 September. This is a safer way to avoid the brutal repression from government and her lapdogs.

Teachers should all notify their supervisors of their intention to go on sick leave by end of day 09 September 2024.

ARTUZ pledges to remain loyal to the teachers’ cause against all odds. Teachers can count on us for all weather support and solidarity.

The Union wishes to advise the teachers that the employer has scuttled all our efforts to deduct subscriptions from thousands of teachers who have joined u.

The Union leaders have been told that deductions will only be made if Union agrees to sellout from the principled position of defending teachers.

ARTUZ assures teachers that the Union would rather operate on zero budget than betray the struggle of the working people. ARTUZ thanks those whose deductions were successfully captured & are currently keeping the Union going.

The teachers’ struggle has gone through contraction because of attacks from a brutal employer.

The ARTUZ has however designed an evolution plan so that the movement renews itself and prepares for coming battles.

The Union calls upon teachers to;
1. Withdraw your subscriptions from all sellout Unions. Do not fund your own exploitation.
2. ⁠Set up a Teachers for USD structure at your own school and share the contact of your teacher representative to the contacts below.
3. ⁠Become an organizer for the coming actions.

The immediate demands from the Movement are as follows;

  1. USD 1 260 as minimum salary for all teachers.
  2. ⁠Amendment of the Public Service Act and ancillary regulations to provide for right to Strike, right to Collective Bargaining and right to absolute paid maternity leave among other rights provided in the 2013 constitution.
  3. ⁠Disbanding of the NJNC and enactment of a Collective Bargaining Council.
  4. ⁠Moratorium on education levies for all learners in the face of the drought season.
  5. ⁠Invigilation allowances for all teachers.

Teachers are reminded that the education system only moves because of their obedience and cooperation. If teachers decide to stop cooperating, the system crashes and the employer will be dragged to the negotiating table kicking and screaming.