President Emmerson Mnangagwa is officiating at the 3rd International Renewable Conference and Expo, currently underway in Victoria Falls.

The conference is running under the theme, “Net Zero Africa.”

Mnangagwa toured exhibitions stands set up by Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority (ZERA), Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC), ZESA Holdings and Jinko Solar Distributors, where they were showcasing various renewable energy products.

Speaking after the tour, President Mnangagwa said renewable energy is no longer a matter of choice but of necessity, given the negative effects of climate change.

He added that with regard to liquid fuels, his government took a deliberate decision to blend petrol with bio-ethanol from sugarcane and increase production of bio-diesel.

“This has not only reduced our fuel import bill, but has also resulted in reduced greenhouse gases,” he said.

Mnangagwa said investors should take the opportunities available in the energy sector.

“Investment opportunities also exist through the exploitation of our vast reserves of coal bed methane and the natural gas, present especially here in Mat North Province as well as in Mash Central Provinces respectively,” he said.

In 2020, President Mnangagwa launched the National Renewable Energy and Biofuels Policy to promote optimal supply and utilization of energy for socio-economic development. This Conference is focused on principles in the policy.
