Out of Jail: Freed Tobva Tadii Paya gang members glows in new video
Tobva tadii paye, tobva tano register to vote
Notorious Zimbabwean ‘teenage gang’ known as ‘Tobva tadii paya’ following their viral videos are now free men and they look a lot different from the scruffy gold mining crew that shocked the country five years ago after going on a rap_ing spree of se_x workers.
It appears their prayers for rehabilitation were heard and the community has accepted them with open arms.
A trending video below is of the now freed crew including the ‘famous’ Romeo Chirara(in yellow) who acted as the main spokesperson in the infamous Tobva Tadii Paya video.
The other crew members are Thabani Gazi (24) who was said to be the ring leader on the night of the rape, the video narrator Romeo Chirara (23) and Admire Chirongoma (23).
At the time of the incident in 2018, they were 19 and 18 respectively. The other boy was under age. He did his time at Kadoma Reformatory.
See videos and pictures below:
Reactions:Glowing like Zim Diasporas, go register to vote
PMT: Ko zudzoka vatsvukira nhai. Our famous cousins haaaa vakamboita mbiri mhan vapfan ava
TGE:Do the crime, do the time. Tobva tadii paye, tobva tano register to vote so u can have a fruitful 2nd chance in life
JNR: I am sorry to all those whom were victimized by these guys, been following this guy even when he was narrating what happened i jst hope he has changed for the better… I would like us as a nation to give him a second chance as well as accept him back into the society without judging him… He is a citizen too lets help him get over to the right side he needs support more than judgment…. He is looking good & his spirit seems high…
MM: Welcome back guys go and register to vote and stay away from Crime
TBG: Apa the victim is still traumatized idzo dzakuto glower zvadzo
MG: Ma Friend angu Terence na Admire …ma bhemba tanga tasiya kwa Mutamba….pa.live yaakaita na Tilder akati vakarova vanhu 100 mubhawa including masoja ivo vari just 2..thats why they were hunted down by the army
THJH: Saka chikurubi yakutochengeta vanhu kunge diaspora vakuglower vakomana
ND: Arikuita seAbva diaspora