Former labour and social welfare minister Petronella Kagonye has been convicted of theft.

She has been convicted of  stealing 20 computers donated by POTRAZ to her former Goromonzi South constituency.

Meanwhile, sentencing hearing is currently underway at the Harare Magistrates Court.

Sometime last year, Zimbabwe Republic Police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed Kagonye’s arrest on charges related to illegal parcelling out of state land.

Kagonyeis also former Zanu PF Member of Parliament for Goromonzi South.

She runs a property development company Glorious Properties.

The former minister had on several occasions been fingered in many land grab scandals in Goromonzi and is believed to be owning six farms.

Meanwhile, on the case she has been convicted, Kagonye was accused of writing a letter to then Information Communication Technology (ICT) minister Supa Mandiwanzira requesting computers to donate to schools in Goromonzi South but allegedly converted them to her own use.

Kagonye has also been on her defence on the matter after regional magistrate Vongai Muchuchuti-Guwuriro ruled that the case needed explaining after discharging her on fraud allegations regarding land.