Dendera musician, Sulumani Chimbetu is under fire from ZANU-PF youths who are demanding an explanation regarding the lyrics for his song “Chirwere” featuring Hwindi President, writes Pachedu.

Chimbetu who is a youth member is reportedly in trouble with fellow youths over his song “Maka gadza mambo muna Mbudzi (November) imimi.” (You installed a king in November).

In Shona culture, it is a taboo to do that, including conducting marriages in November, which is a sacred month.

In the song Chimbetu implies that things are not moving well because a king was installed in a sacred month.

Meanwhile, ZANU-PF youths are upset with the song because Mnangagwa was inaugurated in November 2017.

So they want Chimbetu to explain what he meant with his song.

Renowned investigative journalist Hopewell Chin’ono says:

“Maka gadza mambo muna Mbudzi (November) imimi,” sings Suluman Chimbetu


ZANUPF youths are upset with the song because Mnangagwa was inaugurated in November 2017.

“In Shona culture, it is taboo to do that, including conducting marriages.”
