The Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation (ZESCO) has informed Zambians of power rationing on June 30, 2024, from 08:00 to 15:00 due to maintenance by the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA) on the Insukamini-Mpokoje interconnector, impacting imports (188mw) from Mozambique.

ZESCO further informed Zambians to expect longer outages beyond the current 12-hour daily rationing.

See below for Zambia Key Power Supply Information:

In the face of the drought induced hydropower generation deficit, ZESCO is supplementing its power supplies with imports from Mozambique using three possible routes; South Africa, Zimbabwe and Namibia.

When power carrier paths are constrained, the deficit, presently standing at 831MWs is escalated.
• The power imports from Mozambique stand at 188 Megawatts
• The total available power on the national grid, both from ZESCO’s own generation and Independent Power Producers such as Ndola Energy Limited and Maamba Collieries, stands at 1,268 Megawatts against a demand of 2,216 Megawatts (June 2024)

• The power generation status is as follows:
1. Kafue Gorge: 372MWs against an installed capacity of 990MWs
2. Kafue Gorge Lower: 179MWs against an installed capacity of 750MWs
3. Kariba North Bank: 98MWs against an installed capacity of 1,080MWs
4. Itezhi-Tezhi PC: 34MWs against an installed capacity of 120MWs
5. Ndola Energy Limited: 105MWs
6.Maamba Collieries and others: 480MW