In a remarkable show of unwavering support, Emma Mukahanana, the widow of the late United Methodist Church leader, Reverend Oscar Mukahanana, is earning widespread acclaim for her exemplary qualities as a wife.

The spotlight shone on Emma after her husband tragically took his own life, choosing to confront his infidelity rather than face the public humiliation of his extramarital affair with an unidentified church member. The revelation of the reverend’s intimate conversation with his lover, which had been circulated within the church’s WhatsApp groups, marked the beginning of his devastating downfall.

Emma’s response to this tragic situation has touched the hearts of many, as she refused to condemn her late husband and instead spoke warmly of his love and care as a husband, acknowledging the void he leaves behind within their family.

“I am going through a painful time, and I want to thank the church for their trust in his leadership. I am also grateful to the Mukahanana family for giving me a husband,” Emma expressed as she addressed the mourners. “I will cherish Oscar’s leadership, his love, and the stylish clothing he used to buy for me,” she added.

Her unwavering support and words of kindness have resonated deeply with H-Metro readers, who have dubbed her a “model wife.” Several readers took to sharing their thoughts:

“What a tremendous heart she possesses. I wish he had known that his wife would stand by him like this; I am sure he would not have taken the path he did. So heartbreaking.” — Privilege Privy.

“She is a truly good woman.” — Moses Gwekwe.

“Indeed, people are often quick to pass judgment on others. We are all sinners.” — Evelyn Chitambara.

“A genuine worshipper.” — Amai Kuti.