Online news platform ZimLive editor Mduduzi Mathuthu has been charged and released by police for allegedly undermining the authority of or insulting the President under section 33(2)(b) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act chapter 9:23.

Mathuthu was charged for saying President Emmerson Mnangagwa had been drinking before he was called to address the nation on 6 May, announcing a raft for fiscal and monetary measures, including suspension of bank lending.

Police say this undermined his authority or insulted him, but Mathuthu has denied any wrong doing as seen by his warned and cautioned statement.

Mnangagwa recently made monetary policy announcements that had far reaching implications.

Some of the measures he announced included suspending bank like, a move that spelt doom for the financial sector.

Market watchers criticised him for the announcement which was later shelved.

Zwnews/ Newshawks


I, Mduduzi Mathuthu NR:08-632560-R-21, district: Filabusi father: Moses Mathuthu, chief: Ndube DC.113:22/01/81 residing at 1955 Mahutshula North, Bulawayo and I am employed as an Editor ZIMLIVE an Online newspaper, do hereby admit having been informed by Detective Sergeant Mushayi of Criminal Investigation Department, Law and Order Bulawayo that enquiries are being made in connection with this case of “Undermining authority of or insulting President” as defined in Section 33(2)(b) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act Chapter 9:23, where it is alleged that I posted message and photo depicting the president announcing a speech through my tweet handle and the chat which carried the following message, ‘I understand Mnangagwa was in Glen Lorne drinking when he was called to read this, and Mthuli Ncube and John Mangudya only learnt of the bank lending suspension when they were shown the speech. Work of some CIO economics department’, thereby undermining the authority of the President make this statement of my own free will. While I have been informed that I am not obliged to say anything in answer to these allegations, my failure at this stage to mention any facts relative to my defence to them may result in a court of law drawing inferences against me.

You are advised that you are entitled to the following rights: –

• To be presumed innocent until proven guilty.

• To be informed promptly of the charge in, in sufficient detail to enable you to, answer to it.

• To be given adequate time and facilities to prepare a defence.

• To be represented by a legal practitioner.

• To appear before a court within 48 hours unless a further detention has been authorised.

• Not to be forced to make a confession.

Do you understand the nature of the caution’… .. Answer . Yes

Do you wish to say anything in answer to these allegations?…. Answer …. Yes


I do not admit to the charge levelled against me.


I certify that the above statement was made freely and voluntarily by the accused person who was in her sound and sober senses.