Reports say the remaining body of the three people who drowned in a pool along Musogwezi River in Mapanzure in Masvingo Rural during prayers on Friday last week has been found.

The remaining body was discovered last evening around 5pm by Ramos Shonhiwa who had been tasked to constantly check the place by village head, Edward Makasi as he stays nearby.

The name of the deceased could not be ascertained by the time of going to Press.

The other two bodies were recovered yesterday with the first body at 9am while the second was seen at 3pm in the presence of The Mirror crew who had travelled to cover the tragedy.

The three people went missing after they plunged into a pool during a prayer session conducted by Pastor Amos Chituri of the Agness Access Apostolic Church.

Sources said people at the prayers started talking in tongues and the three dived into the water and have been missing since last week Friday.

Police were informed and promised to recover the body from the water tomorrow.

Village head Edward Makasi confirmed the development to The Mirror.
