Harare: Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa of UFIC church is reported to have warned the Zimbabwe Government not to continue using the military to quell protests as this would provoke foreign militaries to act and intervene against Harare.
At least 7 people died after the August 1, 2018, protests while at least 17 people died following the #ShutdownZimbabwe protests last month. In both cases, the military and the police used live bullets to quell the protests.
According to sources, the charismatic religious leader told congregants yesterday of the dire consequences if Mnangagwa does not restrain himself,
If this happens for the third time it will not be good. We don’t want anything that will provoke the bees ( military) from outside. It won’t be our army against civilians, this time they will get an equal opponent, it is going to be army against army. We don’t want that to happen because where we are now, there’s still a chance.
…If you’re an outsider it’s easy to give such a prophecy but when you’re here it’s different. And I once said this one who is loyal (VP Mnangagwa) will be poisoned. Ah! It’s not because you want any favour. Proof that it was a terrible prophecy, don’t go by what I said or how I said it. I’m talking about you say something that even the victim himself was afraid to admit publicly that he was truly poisoned.
Mnangagwa recently consulted controversial prophet Passion Java who appeared with him in Harare over the weekend amidst reports that it’s not well at the State House where the President has beefed up security and made drastic changes to protect himself from dangers that are yet to be made public.