Former cabinet minister Walter Mzembi has castigated President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government for mistreating fellow citizens especially those in the opposition.

He says the leg chaining prisoners on remand or anyone for that matter is such an abominable colonial and medieval slavery period practice it doesn’t cut in 2022 in any country in the world.

“Do we admire Colonial practices that much?” He asks.

Mzembi was referring to Job Sikhala and Godfrey Sithole who were recently brought to court in leg irons.

The two MPs were arrested on allegations of inciting public violence.

Mnangagwa recently waded into a public debate where he was said to be worse than Ian Smith.

In his response, Mnangagwa said Zimbabwe is better than Smith’s Rhodesia.

Meanwhile, Mzembi says the 2023 will be a political rebellion against the
“New Dispensation” than a political contest.

“The only thing that can win ZANU PF an election is fear but poverty is rapidly overcoming fear. The Economy will be the final nail in the coffin,” he says.
