Image: Newshawks

Public Service minister Paul Mavima’s proxy in the US$400 000 corrupt Borrowdale house scandal Brian Murewa, who was the National Social Security Authority (Nssa) director of investments, has officially been dismissed from work after being found guilty of corruption.

Murewa fled to South Africa after helping Mavima to irregularly acquire an upmarket house in Quinnington, Borrowdale, while impoverished pensioners at the US$1.2 billion statutory pension fund got peanuts amid suffering.

Besides, he was also involved in a fraudulent US$244 000 Kariba property transaction.

As a result, Murewa was wanted for questioning by the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission.

Murewa was sacked after he was found guilty of corruption by a disciplinary committee chaired by retired veteran judge Moses Chinhengo.

Murewa’s dismissal leaves Mavima exposed and President Emmerson Mnangagwa in a dilemma on whether to keep a minister facing such serious corruption allegations or not.

Recent investigations by The NewsHawks showed the house property deal was done secretly on behalf of Mavima.

Due process and board approvals were not followed in buying the Quinnington house, Stand No. 218 Lot A1, amid fraudulent financial engineering for private benefit by Murewa.

The house was valued at US$350 000, but US$400 000 was paid by Nssa, creating room for US$50 000 to go into private pockets.

The issue came to light when Nssa deputy director (audit) Andrew Nyakonda was tasked by acting General Manager Charles Shava on 16 February to conduct an investigation into the disposal of the Borrowdale house and the purchase of Kariba Lodge Stand No. 989 Kariba Township for US$244 000.

Although Nssa bought the house, it was not transferred to its books before it was sold to Mavima.

The minister initiated the deal as he identified the property and asked Nssa to buy and keep it for him while he awaited disbursement of his US$500 000 housing allowance given to each cabinet minister.

Deputy ministers got US$350 000 and MPs US$40 000.
