The opposition MDC Alliance led by Nelson Chamisa has said three of its Harare South youth assembly officials were last night abducted by suspected hired state assailants before being dumped at Harare Central Police Station, this morning.

According to the party’s national youth spokesperson Stephen Tshuma, the trio of Emmanuel Mukwemu, Petronella Mapaire and Trynos Hove were last night picked up by suspected state agents at their homes in the capital.

“The state is (now) preferring capricious charge in which they allege the trio were mobilizing for 31 July demo. As an Assembly, we would like to make it clear that arrests or no arrests 31 July is going ahead. We can not continue to allow the illegitimate Emmerson Mnangagwa and his family to devour the national cake while we are starving,” said Tshuma.

The latest incident comes roughly four months after the trio of Harare West MP Joahanna Mamombe, Cecilia Chimbiri and Netsai Marova were allegedly abducted before being dumped, three days latter, at Muchapondwa Business Centre in Bindura.

Despite their harrowing tales of physical and sexual abuse at the hands of their captors, the state instead laid charges against the female trio, now accused of faking their own abductions.

In recent weeks, President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Government has been labelled the scapegoat following a vicious clampdown on leaders of the impending street protests slated for July 31.

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