Zanu PF loud mouths; Eunice Sandi-Moyo and Sarah Mahoka have resigned from the revolutionary party following  a barrage of accusations that included undermining the authority of the party’s Women’s League boss, First Lady Grace Mugabe.

Women from the party’s 10 provinces demonstrated against the two a fortnight ago demanding their ouster. Sandi-Moyo was deputy secretary for women’s affairs, while Mahoka served as the national secretary for finance in the Women’s League.

The ZANU-PF Politburo has since accepted their resignations.

 Fit again Zanu spokesman, Simon Khaya Moyo, returning to work after a year disappearing from the radar, announced the pair’s decision to quit their positions on the sidelines of the 308th Politburo meeting at the ruling party’s national headquarters in Harare on Thursday evening.

He added: “The resignation is clear testimony that they committed the offenses and they have to pay back the funds they abused to the Women’s League.”“The Politburo was informed that comrades Sandi-Moyo and Sarah Mahoka were facing similar misdemeanours and had tendered their resignations from their positions in the Women’s League. As per the Women’s League recommendations on the two and their subsequent resignations, the Politburo accepted the same,” said Khaya Moyo in his address to the press.