After summoning the former First Lady Grace Mugabe to his community court, on the accusation of violating custom by burying her husband, late former President Robert Mugabe at his rural home, Chief Zvimba waited in vain yesterday as she did not turn up.

As reported by NewsHawks, relatives say she is unwell and receiving treatment in Singapore.

Apparently, VOA reports that more than 20 policemen, believed to have been deployed from Harare and Chinhoyi, yesterday prevented journalists from attending the case at Chief Zvimba’s court at Murombedzi Growth Point.

Meanwhile, reports are that President Emmerson Mnangagwa is behind the plot to exhume Mugabe’s body with a belief that his predecessor was buried with a mystic scepter, or “Tsvimbo yaMambo.”

According to Mugabe’s exiled nephew Patrick Zhuwawo, Mnangagwa believes that the Tsvimbo would give him commanding authority as a leader.

At one point President Emmerson Mnangagwa reportedly indicated that Heads of States in the region were not happy with the way in which Mugabe was buried.
