In a tragic turn of events, George Chigova, the longstanding goalkeeper for the Zimbabwean national football team, the Warriors, passed away peacefully in his sleep at his residence in Gauteng. This somber occurrence adds to the sorrow within the Zimbabwean football community, grappling with the recent loss of another icon, Rahman Gumbo.

Both legends, aged 32 and 59 respectively, seem to have faced similar fates, succumbing to what appears to be heart-related complications. Rahman Gumbo suffered a heart attack in Botswana last week and is slated to be laid to rest in Bulawayo on Saturday.

Chigova, who had been sidelined from active duty at South African Premiership side SuperSport United due to a heart condition, tragically passed away at home. Accounts suggest that he woke up seemingly normal, even walking around his house before expressing a desire to return to sleep. Concern arose when he slept longer than usual, prompting his wife to check on him. Shockingly, he showed no response, leading to a call for emergency services who confirmed his untimely passing.

ZIFA (Zimbabwe Football Association) issued a statement mourning the loss of the former Warriors goalkeeper, affectionately known as ‘Jojola.’ Recognizing Chigova’s significant contributions to Zimbabwean football, particularly at the 2019 Africa Cup of Nations, the association conveyed heartfelt condolences to his family, friends, and teammates.

SuperSport United expressed deep sadness at the news of Chigova’s passing, highlighting his two stints with the club and his 32 appearances for the Zimbabwean national team. Describing him as a “gentle giant” and a cherished figure both on and off the field, the club extended condolences to his family and friends in South Africa and Zimbabwe during this difficult time.