The Government of Zimbabwe recognises and appreciates the tireless work and unwavering commitment to duty of all Civil Servants across the three arms of the state, namely the Executive (Whole of Government), the Legislature (Parliament), and the Judiciary, including Grant Aided entities, Agencies and Independent Commissions. To this end, Government has been closely monitoring developments in the macro economy, with a view of ensuring that exogenous shocks from adverse macro-economic developments do not seriously erode the purchasing power of Civil Servants’ salaries. As such, Government has been reviewing the cash and non-cash benefits of Civil Servants as follows:


Just recently, Government announced that Civil Servants’ basic salaries have been increased by 100% with effect from 1 July 2022, and that negotiations are continuing through the National Joint Negotiating Committee (NJNC) platform to come up with additional salary for and condition of service reviews.

In addition, serving members of the Civil Service have the following benefits: –

• A housing loan guarantee scheme;

• Civil service housing loan scheme; and

• Access to the duty-free importation of a single motor vehicle for personal use by the civil servant.

a) Health Sector.

With particular regard to the Health Services Sector, Government has reviewed upwards the Health Sector-Specific Allowances in the following areas: –

• On-Call Allowances, which apply to Doctors and Laboratory Scientists;

• Night Duty, Stand By / Callout Allowances, which apply to Nurses, Nurse Aides and General Hands in theatre;

• Nurse Managers Allowances;

• Special Health equalisation factor which applies to all eligible staff;

• Covid and Infectious Disease Risk Allowances.

In addition, Government has reviewed the non-monetary benefits for the Health Sector including the following: –

• provision of institutional housing for health workers starting with Harare and Bulawayo;

• provision of housing loan guarantees;

• provision of efficient transport facilities, starting with Referral / Central Hospitals

• addressing deficiencies in the cafeteria system and re-operationalising the system; and • Local production and sourcing of uniforms for health personnel.

b) Teachers.

• Restoration of Advancement awards;

• Payment of Performance awards which had been withheld due to financial constraints, have been restored and these will now be processed effective 1 July 2022. For this purpose, members will now be placed on their correct employment grades;

• Payment of school fees for up to 3 biological children per teaching family; This benefit applies to teachers and payment will be made directly to schools and will be up to a prescribed limit per biological child. Currently this limit is ZWL20,000 per child per term and Treasury is ready to disburse the required amounts for the first term.

• Provision of 34 000 housing units as institutional accommodation for teachers To cushion teachers from the rising cost of accommodation, Government has committed itself to provide 34 000 housing units within and outside school premises over a period of 5 years.

• Provision of transport facilities to ferry teachers in both rural and urban areas has already commenced. This is facilitated by existing structures under the Civil Service Bus Fund and Rural and Urban Mass Transport System.

c) Security Sector.

Government values the critical role played by the security services in the economy. Substantial progress has been made in ensuring competitive remuneration and general improvement of the conditions of service for members in the security sector.

• Government has introduced military salary concept and its equivalent, across the security cluster, covering various categories of benefits.

• In addition, Government has accelerated the acquisition of operational vehicles for middle management.

• Government is also instituting immediate measures to increase access to institutional housing and transportation for serving members of the security services.

• The security services sector also has access to the Housing Loan Guarantee Scheme to enable members to purchase houses in the areas of their choice, under the frameworks being finalised by the service Commissions and the respective, participating Financial institutions.

d) Provision of Housing loan guarantee scheme for home ownership by Civil Servants

The Public Service Commission in collaboration with the Ministry of National Housing and Social Amenities, Ministry of Local Government and Public Works and Treasury are working towards the resuscitation of the housing loan guarantee facility for Civil Servants under which the Government will be the guarantor of housing mortgages applied by members through the identified network banks. Consultations between relevant stakeholders have already been initiated by the Public Service Commission.

e) Payment of a USD75.00 Covid-19 Allowance.

Recognising the significant risk factors faced by Civil Servants who are mostly frontline workers, government introduced an USD75.00 per month Covid-19 Risk Allowance. This amount is still payable in foreign currency and will continue to be paid for the foreseeable future.

f) Payment of a USD100.00 per month Cushioning Allowance

Recognising the hardships faced by public sector workers in the face of adverse macro-economic developments and the impact of dual currency pricing, Government introduced a USD100.00 per month cushioning allowance payable in foreign currency. This allowance also continues to be paid and will subsist for the foreseeable future.


Parliamentarians and Staff of the Parliament of Zimbabwe have also had various reviews implemented across both salary and non-cash benefits as follows:-

• Salaries have been increased by at least 100% with effect from 1 July 2022

• Sitting allowances have been similarly increased.

• Government has also introduced a contributory medical scheme where Government will contribute 80% to the Subscriptions, similar to the scheme which is in place for Civil Servants.

• Government has introduced a duty-free importation of a second motor vehicle for use by parliamentarians in their public service work.

• In order to ease transport challenges for employees, Government acquired buses for use by parliament staff.
Constituency Visit Allowance

• In the spirit of “Leaving No-One and No Place Behind” in public engagement, Government has recently introduced a constituency visit allowance to improve close relations between elected officials and their constituents and electorate. Fuel is provided to members in all constituencies irrespective of the distance to their Constituencies from the Capital City.

• Members of the Legislature are also being paid the combined USD175.00 per month Allowance comprised of the USD75.00 Covid-19 Allowance and the USD100.00 Cushioning Allowance


• All members of the judiciary have received a salary increase of a minimum of 100% with effect from 1 July 2022. In addition, an allowance that recognizes and aligns remuneration with peers in the legal profession has also been put in place.

• Members of the Judiciary are now also benefitting from the Housing Loan Guarantee Scheme and the Housing Loan scheme as well as the duty-free facility for the importation of one motor vehicle.

• Members of the Judiciary are also being paid the combined USD175.00 per month Allowance comprised of the USD75.00 Covid-19 Allowance and the USD100.00 Cushioning Allowance

In conclusion, therefore, The Government of Zimbabwe reiterates its commitment to pay competitive remuneration to Civil Servants in order to retain critical skills and derive efficient public services. Accordingly, Government will continue to analyse conditions of service for all Civil Servants in order to appropriately and timeously benchmark these in line with economic developments.

Hon. Prof. Mthuli Ncube