Impeccable sources have told Zim Morning Post that Zimbabwe Defence minister Oppah Muchinguri Kashiri is reportedly battling Covid-19. The Minister gained notoriety in early 2020 after she appeared in a video mocking western countries saying coronavirus was a punishment from God.

Her illness comes at a time when a number of ministers and ruling party heavy weights have fallen ill to Covid-19 why some well known figures have died recently.

Muchinguri-Kashiri shocked the world and went viral for all the wrong reasons back in March 2020, when she appeared to celebrate the disease. The Defence Minister gleefully proclaimed that the disease was God’s divine retribution against western countries for imposing economic sanctions on Zimbabwe. United States President Donald Trump was singled out in the minister’s bizarre tirade.

The tabloid reports that other senior government officials who are currently battling Covid-19 include, Manicaland Provincial Affairs Minister Ellen Gwaradzimba and former Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services (ZPCS) boss, retired Major-General Paradzai Zimondi.


Our report on Muchinguri audio in march 2020

In apparently blasphemous sentiments, Zimbabwe Defence Minister Oppar Muchinguri-Kashiri has puzzlingly claimed that the novel Coronavirus is God’s way of punishing the West for imposing economic sanctions on Zimbabwe.
Muchinguri, who is also the National Chairperson for the ruling Zanu PF party made the remarks in Chinhoyi on Saturday while addressing a party meeting in the town. She equated the novel Coronavirus to God’s own version of sanctions on the West and the EU for their imposition of the economic embargo on personalities and institutions which have connect
Bragging that now is the time ‘for the West to be suffocated’ by the global epidemic, Muchinguri-Kashiri also took a swipe at United States President Donald Trump saying the 45th US leader ‘thinks he is God’.
Speaking in the vernacular Shona, Muchinguri-Kashiri said:
“Coronavirus iyi yauya masanctions ka aya masanctions auya kunyika dzimwe dzinotiitira masanctions. Mwari abva ati je vavakuswera vari mudzimba hakusisinaba economy yavo yava kuchema handiiti yedu vari kutichemedza. Trump ngaazive kuti haasi Mwari murikuda kuti tiswinwe tiendepi, chimbosvinwaiwo necoronavirus munzwe kurwadza kwazvinoita.”