A NURSE at the United Bulawayo Hospitals (UBH) who doubles as an illegal money changer lost US$20 300, R7 000 and his uniforms to three armed robbers who attacked him as he drove into his home in Bulawayo’s Mahatshula North suburb.

The pistol brandishing robbers pounced on Mr Felix Chinonzura (32) just before he drove into his home on Wednesday night.

The Chronicle yesterday caught up with Mr Chinonzura who said he was yet to recover from the incident.

“It was about 7.30pm on Wednesday. I had just opened the gate and on my way back to the vehicle, I saw a speeding Toyota Hilux D4D coming towards me. The driver parked just behind my car. Two guys jumped out of the car and one of them was armed with a pistol. 

“Sensing danger, I jumped out of my car and ran into my neighbour’s home shouting thieves, thieves, thieves. My neighbour responded but I warned him that the robbers had a gun so we could not do much. 

“Those guys got into my car whose engine was still running. They took away US$20 300, R7 000, my wallet, keys that were in the car and my uniforms,” said Mr Chinonzura.

He said the robbers took off at high speed.

Mr Chinonzura said he suspects they could have tailed him from the city centre.

“I suspect those guys saw me in town at the centre parking of Jason Moyo Street between 8th and 9th Avenue. They could have seen me counting some rand. I remember seeing the same vehicle flashing its headlights at me.

“However, I really didn’t take it seriously as I went to a nearby fast food outlet to buy food,” said Mr Chinonzura.

He said he recovered his wallet on Thursday after being called by someone from Mzilikazi suburb who had picked his documents.

Mr Chinonzura who admitted that he was a part time illegal money changer, said he was also into transport business.


Bulawayo police spokesperson Chief Inspector Precious Simango confirmed the armed robbery.

 “We are investigating an armed robbery case which occurred on Wednesday in Mahatshula North suburb where a 32-year-old man, employed as a nurse at UBH was raided by armed robbers. 

“The suspects got away with US$20 300 and R7 000, a Samsung S8, driver’s licence, his car keys among other particulars before they drove away. We strongly appeal to members of the public to avoid carrying large sums of money as this exposes them to criminals,” said Chief Insp Simango.

She said the suspects are said to have driven away in a white Toyota Hilux D4D without number plates.

Chief Insp Simango appealed to members of the public who might have information on the whereabouts of the suspects to contact any nearest police station.

state media