Zimbabwe Elections in 2018 will be  very interesting as there is now a higher likelihood than 2008 to get no clear winner in the first round of presidential elections.

The main reason for this is that we have at least political parties with great potential to get at least 20% of the total votes.

This was said by Max Murondanzara during a paper presentation at an African Students Forum in Berlin Germany recently.

According to Murondanzara, Zanu PF, The Movement for Democratic Change(MDC-T) and Zimbabwe People First will all gain a significant number of votes in the first round for 2018 Zimbabwe Presidential Elections paving way for the now infamous election runoff between the two best candidates.

If Murondanzara’s assertions are right, then Zimbabwe is heading for another headline making election.

To win a presidential election one needs at least 50% of the votes plus 1 vote. Failure to do this, as was seen in 2008 elections, will automatically trigger a runoff between two best winners.

It will be interesting to see high the performance of Joice Mujuru’s zimbabwe People first will affect the fortunes of the older parties.

“In 2008 Simba Makoni’s Mavambo Kusile party gained a considerable amount of votes leading to the runoff between Tsvangirai and Mugabe, this time Joice Mujuru comes with a lot of expectation, support and potential making it likely that voting and results pattern will be very different from what people are used to,” said Murondanzara.

President Mugabe is likely to stand for Zanu PF bringing a tasty duel with his former deputy Joice Mujuru of ZimPF and Morgan Tsvangirai of MDC.

zimbabwe presidential elections results 2018 runoff

no clear winner in first round ‘2018 zimbabwe presidential elections’