Mugabe should hang his head in shame

Today,  Zimbabwe is celebrating 37 years of independence from Britain.

To mark the day, President Mugabe will address the nation in a televised speech. There will be a number of events and commemorations throughout the country.

This year’s Uhuru comes at a time when the country’s economy has fallen to 2008 levels with money becoming a daily headache for government, businesses and ordinary people.

To help ease the challenges, the government has recommended the tried and tested ‘stone age style’ barter trade for services that should normally be paid in cash.

Zimbabwe’s schools will be collecting fees in the form of goats and other small livestock while banks are now expected to accept cows and donkeys as collateral security for loans.

Speaking about today’s commemorations, outspoken Gokwe headman Mr Doubt Muza told this publication that there is nothing to celebrate as his family is now 37 times poorer than what it was in 1980.

He also has some nasty words for Mugabe;

“He (Mugabe) should hang his head in shame, we are now the laughing stock of Africa and Mr Mugabe’s wife should plead with him to make today’s address his farewell speech,” he said.

“For how long shall we continue this way, Madam Grace must do the right thing and tell the President it’s time up,” he added.