Political Reporter- Simba Moyo

The Mashonaland Central Province which was famed for being the ruling ZANU PF party’s strong hold is up in arms against one of it’s own son, Minister of Local Governance, Saviour Kasukuwere who is also the party’s national political commissar.

When former Vice-President Joice Mujuru who commanded a huge following in the province, was sent packing from the party, Kasukuwere who played part in her downfall, was believed to be the one to keep the party from disintegrating as he is a son, whom many villagers could identify with.

Now, he is in trouble, is it a case of a revolution eating its own sons? Only time will tell.

Kasukuwere must fall  protests are now in full swing. Kasukuwere is being blamed of causing confusion in the province, fanning factionalism and wanting to topple President Robert Mugabe before the 2018 elections.

Even Norton MP, Temba Mliswa once told a press conference late last year that Kasukuwere wanted to be president before 2023. It is now being claimed that he was planning a coup against his boss. As the drama unfolds it is now becoming hard even for Mugabe to trust anyone.

A renowned political scientist, Doctor Pedzisai Ruhanya says Zimbabwe is facing both economic and political interregnum, and there is now discord in the ruling party.

“The elite discohesion and authoritarian erosion is now in full swing in ZANU PF.

“If all these people including Kasukuwere are wrong or do not serve Mugabe, who then is right, who serves Mugabe then?” He queries.

He however, believes this could have little bearing on the outcome of the pending elections as over the years polls have not shown the true picture on the ground.

“Why does the outcome of elections not reflect the unpopularity, political, economic, corruption and decomposition of the political party?” He queries.

Mashonaland Central based political commentator, Elder Mabhunu says what is happening could be the last kicking of a dying donkey that could spell doom to the party.

“The party is now sinking, however, our opposition are not strong enough either. They could have taken advantage, but up to now they lack a clear plan. Opposition parties are still in the woods, with no clear road map, amid discord on coalition save for rumours,” he says.