Movement for Democratic Change-Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa has implored President Emmerson Mnangagwa stop ‘entertaining the idea’ that he and his party ZANU-PF will rule Zimbabwe forever.

Responding to a story quoting Mnangagwa as having said his party will govern Zimbabwe forever, Chamisa says only God can rule forever.

He even warned Mnangagwa that change cannot be stopped, despite the fact that one may want it not to happen.

Chamisa writes:

CHANGE IS UNSTOPPABLE. Nothing and nobody is permanent.

Don’t ever mistakenly think that you own the country. Parties don’t own people.

People are not objects. Nobody and no party ever ruled or rules forever except GOD.

Zimbabwe needs leaders not rulers. Blessed Sunday Zimbabwe.

Meanwhile, President Mnangagwa and his party are on record saying no other party will ever rule Zimbabwe except ZANU PF.

Following the recent change of guard in Zambia in which a ruling party was dislodged, Mnangagwa vowed that nothing like that will ever happen in Zimbabwe.
